Changing Market Trends of Kid’s Fashion

In last one decade, fashion industry globally has evolved beyond expectations. Nations are developing and thus per person income has increased substantially which has resulted in changed consumer behavior. Now people have big pockets and they don’t mind spending money on fashion, accessories and others aspects of life.

We fondly remember our childhood days, when new clothes mean either big religious festival like Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas or Birthdays! We are sure generation of 1980s will relate with this. But things have changed completely for this generation kids. Kid’s fashion has changed very rapidly and very tremendously in last 10 years. Kid’s fashion has taken the fashion industry by storm. As this segment is growing big, it is catching attention of from big clothing brands, fashion designers and parents. Started first from west, it has now arrived in Asian countries and Indian market is not spared by it. Consumers have now access to best online clothing stores.

A lot of factors have contributed in the massive growth of Kid’s fashion segment. Growing awareness among parents, changing behavior of consumer, potential growth and bright future are among few of the major factors responsible for flourishing growth of this fashion segment.

Changing Consumer Behavior:

Household incomes have increased tremendously. Whether from a service class family or a business class family, incomes are rising and that has given more spending power to consumers. Now people have money to splurge on different aspects of their lifestyle. They are spending heavily on clothing, accessories, home décor and travel. Buying new clothes on small to big occasion is no big deal for parents. This behavior pattern offers big opportunities to manufacturers and retailers.

It not only parents who have changed, kid’s behavior has evolved so much so that they are being called GenZ! Teens like to dress themselves and have their opinions on how they would like carry themselves. And this whole phenomenon is not just about looking good, it brings a positive attitude in kids and help them to grow as independent and confident adults. Now, kids like to have their own unique style, follow latest trends and look exceptional.

Tapping Business Opportunities:

 Big clothing companies and fashion designers understood well in advance the changed behavior of consumers and tapped this market. They have understood the progressive nature of buyer and have well planned their marketing strategies to make the maximum profits out of it. Both Parents and kids are potential and independent buyers and understand that they don’t mind spending extra money on fashionable stuff and maintain a social status in their community.

Big clothing brands tie up with famous designers and are coming up with exclusive range of clothing for kids. Every occasion, every season, they come up with a new line of clothing. Not just this, brands are spending huge money on marketing campaigns as they want to create a stir in the market. Also, the competition has gone cut throat. Thousands of brands are competing with each other but still making profits at the end of the day. Which means consumer is spending excessively. Brands and designers reserve big budgets for their R&D department where they only spend on anticipating upcoming market trends. For example, recently the famous American TV show Stranger things announced their upcoming season and all the fashion stores got busy with creating prints of different characters of the show to attract the buyers. Fashion stores also come up with kids wear according to different seasons, colours, cartoon characters, weather conditions and more.

Online Shopping Stores

Online shopping avenues have added another dimension to shopping experience. Now customers have access to shopping stores from just a click on the internet. They look for best online clothing stores to buy best fashion stuff for their kids. Online shopping is time saving as well as comfortable for customers and also gives them plenty of choices to choose from. Brands are offering a host of vibrant and versatile variety in kids clothing and are making big profits.

Future of Kids’ Fashion

The future of kid’s fashion industry is very promising and it will grow leaps by leaps day by day. That’s the enough reasons for designers and clothing brands to invest more and more in this segment. Brands are setting up best online clothing stores exclusively for kid’s clothing and other fashion accessories. Companies are going sustainable in their manufacturing processes and they are making best use of their resources to tap the growing demand of kids fashion industry.