Guiding Tips to Cope-up with Summer Heat

Subtitle: Peak summers have arrived and everybody is troubled with scorching heat, sweat and humid weather. Summers can take a toll on everyone’s life leaving us exhausted and fatigued. Get some handy tips to protect your little ones from this hot and humid weather.

Adults can still figure out many ways to deal with rising temperature but for kids its really difficult as they are going to school, sports and other outdoor activities. Keeping kids inside the house all the time is not possible. So, it is the responsibility of the parents to look for ways to help their kids cope-up on summer days.

To make sure that your kids enjoy the summer vacation while keeping their health good from outside heat, here are some simple tips that will help them to enjoy this season to its fullest.

Hydration: Summers affects all of us by reducing the water levels. The most thing is to keep your child well hydrated by giving them plenty of water, fresh juices and other refreshment drinks like coconut water, aam panna and other. These fluids help them in restoring their fluid levels which are lost due to extreme heat and sweat.

Keep Evening Play-Time: Kids like to play all the time during the day. But as a parent, we should be careful that kids don’t go out during afternoons when the sun heat is at the peak. Evenings are the best time to go for outdoor games and other recreational activities. During day, if the kids are going school, then it is fine, but they are at home then engage them with some craft work or some indoor games.

Soft and Light Clothes: While keeping a tap on all other things, clothes are one the most important things to be selected carefully for kids. Make them wear light colours, cotton clothes which absorbs heat and allows skin to breathe. On Tripr India website, you will find a good collection of summer clothes like tank tops, t-shirts, shorts, kids vest combos etc. at most affordable prices. Our combos offer huge savings.

Avoid Junk Food: Summer is the time when food can go rotten very quickly. Also, due to heat, our body also slows down and our metabolism is not very great. Kids are even more sensitive. You should avoid giving junk foods to your kids at most of the times. Chips, Pizzas, Burgers. Cold drinks are all very harmful for health especially during summers. If they don’t digest well, they can upset their stomach and can have food poisoning.

Eat Healthy Food: Not just summers, kids should eat healthy food all the times. Home cooked food gives them nutrition and build their immunity which will help them to withstand outer situations like hot summers, rainy weather and winters.

Recreational Activities: Try and engage you kids with some recreational activities like swimming, dance, art and music. All these can be done indoor and kids needn’t go out in hot weather. Now a days there are lot of options like online classes where you don’t even have to send your kids out of the home and they can still enjoy and learn new things.  

Cover them from sun: Keep your child protected from direct sunlight as it has harmful UV rays which can damage their skin. You can apply a good sunscreen, but instead of applying any cosmetic on the skin, you can simply cover them with hats or use umbrella or make them wear long gloves. The choice is totally yours but their skin should not come in direct sunlight.

At Tripr India, we have a wide range of kid’s clothing which are made using the premium quality of knitted cotton blend fabric prefect for summer season. These clothes are super soft on the skin and very comfortable that kids can wear them for long playing hours. We have an in-house designing and production team who comes up with plenty of designs, styles, patterns and prints and that’s why our products are loved so much by our customers. Our in-house manufacturing unit gives us an edge to manufacture the clothes and sell directly to the customer through our website and hence we help customers to save big money which otherwise would have spent on mediators. Our other collection of kid’s garments includes shirts, t-shirts, kids vest combos, jeans, hoodies, joggers, trackpants, tank tops and shorts.